Psychology books recommended by Seth Godin
The True Believer by Eric Hoffer
"The True Believer is a must read. It’s dense, it’s more than fifty years old, it’s an easy read and it’s urgently important." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonThinking in Bets by Annie Duke
"Annie Duke knows how to make decisions. You should too." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonExit, Voice, and Loyalty by Albert Hirschman
"Voice is an expression of loyalty. Voice is not merely criticism, it might be the contribution of someone who has the option to walk away but doesn't.
Category: Psychology
Albert Hirschman explains how this overlooked mechanism of the world works.
" Read more
Buy on AmazonHe’s Not Lazy by Dr. Adam Price
"He's Not Lazy is the kind of book that can dramatically transform a relationship for the better, changing lives for the long run. If you have teenagers, I hope you'll get a copy. " Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonNonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg
"It's easy to react, and it feels justified to do so. Tit for tat and "I'm not going to take this." But de-escalation through the power of words helps get to the truth far faster.
Category: Psychology
Commenting on the emotions that you are seeing is different than reflecting them back. Talking about what's happening defuses the tantrum that is just waiting to wreck the connection that could be become so valuable.
If the goal is connection, then connect. [Coincidentally, just discovered this book on the topic.]" Read more
Buy on AmazonUnderstanding Comics by Scott McCloud
"A key part of his thesis is that comic books work because the action takes place between the frames. Our imagination fills in the gaps between what happened in that frame and this frame, which means that we're as much involved as the illustrator and author are in telling the story.
Category: Psychology
Marketing, it turns out, works precisely the same way." Read more
Buy on AmazonWhat Women Want by Paco Underhill
"Paco Underhill on women and retail." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonThe Long Tail by Chris Anderson
"Chris surfaced a fundamental law of the world. There are others." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonThe Consuming Instinct by Gad Saad
"If you're trying to get people to buy more stuff, this book will show you how. If you're trying to understand why you buy so much stuff, this book will show you how as well. Good stuff on every page." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonThe Lonely Crowd by David Riesman
"This is the best-selling sociology book ever, apparently. The key argument is that Òfitting inÓ to a large group is a relatively new phenomenon, and it has changed the way human beings interact." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonThe Business of Belief by Tom Asacker
"Tom Asacker writes a very thoughtful blog about marketing. Worth the read. He has a new book. You should buy it, too." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonOvercoming Perfectionism by Ann W. Smith
"Uses for a free Kindle book - One; Spread an idea you believe in (where money is not the object)." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonLearning to Labor by Paul Willis
"Ethnographic research from the 1970s that makes and proves a startling thesis: the very structure of school ends up establishing the Òus and themÓ mentality that alienates most students from authority and sets them up to be unhappy wage slaves instead of productive leaders." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonOn Immunity by Eula Bliss
"An even-handed meditation on why people believe what they believe, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, this book is almost literary at times." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonHow We Decide by Jonah Lehrer
"This book will make you think (and then rethink) how decisions get made. Not just how your customers decide, but how you do." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonIconoclast by Gregory Berns
"Berns covers some of the same territory I do, but from a biological point of view. His take is that perception, fear, and networking are the three underlying neurological factors that lead some people to be original thinkers. It was vindicating to read his book just as I finished mine, because his scientific data completely confirms the three pillars that I describe herein." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonIgnore Everybody by Hugh MacLeod
"Hugh's stuff works on the Kindle, and it works for creatives, and it works for people who are stuck." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonIncognito by David Eagleman
"At a conference I recently attended, David talked about his work.It's all anyone discussed for the next two days.This book will help you understand the meat/electricity/chemicals you're carrying around inside your head better than you ever have before." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonIndexed by Jessica Hagy
"Jessica makes me think, sometimes a lot." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonInfluence by Robert B. Cialdini
"He breaks the elements into little tiny understandable bits" Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonIrresistible by Adam Alter
"Adam Alter's urgent and powerful new book" Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonGetting to Yes by William L. Ury
"It's a science and an art" Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonHonest Signals by Andy Pentland
"Pentland is a professor at MIT, and this is ostensibly a book about some amazing technology he's putting together that quietly measures the interactions people have all day when they're not remembering that the system is watching. What it's actually about, though, is the incredible power of nonverbal communication and tribal hierarchies in the way we interact." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonDrive by Daniel H. Pink
"Getting to the heart of what makes us do our best work." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonDavid and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell
"Is there a better title for a business book? When I heard what he was up to, I was immediately, insanely jealous. I can think of a hundred authors who could have easily written a book with this title, and done a very good job indeed.That's not what Malcolm delivered. He veers off the expected course early on, and never returns. This isn't a book about trying extra hard and defeating the big guys. No, it's a book about culture, about heroism, and about the choices that each of us make." Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonDon’t Make Me Think, Revisited by Steve Krug
"A book I wish I'd read earlier in my career" Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on AmazonA Whole New Mind by Daniel H. Pink
"Wow! A Whole New Mind is one of those rare books that marks a turning point" Read more
Category: Psychology
Buy on Amazon