What Seth Godin said about Abundance...

Abundance by Peter H. Diamandis

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Author: Peter H. Diamandis
Other books by Peter H. Diamandis
ISBN: 145161683X
ASIN: 145161683X
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Category: Social
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In 2012, Seth recommended "Abundance" by Peter H. Diamandis and said...

Peter brings an open heart and exhaustive research to this almost-academic book that's a direct answer to the cassandras that would end it all right now...

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What others thought about "Abundance"

From GoodReads.com

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4.1 rating based on 11,470 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 145161683X
ISBN-13: 9781451616835
Goodreads: 18775395

Published: //

We will soon be able to meet and exceed the basic needs of every man, woman and child on the planet. Abundance for all is within our grasp. This bold, contrarian view, backed up by exhaustive research, introduces our near-term future, where exponentially growing technologies and three other powerful forces are conspiring to better the lives of billions. An antidote to pessimism by tech entrepreneur turned philanthropist, Peter H. Diamandis and award-winning science writer Steven Kotler.

Since the dawn of humanity, a privileged few have lived in stark contrast to the hardscrabble majority. Conventional wisdom says this gap cannot be closed. But it is closing—fast. The authors document how four forces—exponential technologies, the DIY innovator, the Technophilanthropist, and the Rising Billion—are conspiring to solve our biggest problems. Abundance establishes hard targets for change and lays out a strategic roadmap for governments, industry and entrepreneurs, giving us plenty of reason for optimism.

Examining human need by category—water, food, energy, healthcare, education, freedom—Diamandis and Kotler introduce dozens of innovators making great strides in each area: Larry Page, Steven Hawking, Dean Kamen, Daniel Kahneman, Elon Musk, Bill Joy, Stewart Brand, Jeff Skoll, Ray Kurzweil, Ratan Tata, Craig Venter, among many, many others.

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