Every Seth Godin Podcast – EVER
I’ve started a list of podcast episodes featuring Seth Godin, listed in (rough) reverse date order, reaching all the way back to 2005. I’ve tried to specify what the podcasts are briefly focused on (in the brackets) although very often a lot is covered. I hope it helps you find something that helps you move forward.
Update: Seth has got his own page about Podcasts now, which I am sure he will update more regularly than I am doing – so visit his Podcast page.
Note: If there is no web link for an episode, the source may have disappeared/gone offline.
Podcasts by Seth:
Akimbo (non-pigeonholed, just Seth, riffin’)
Seth Godin Startup School (marketing 101)
Most Popular Podcasts:
Tim Ferris (rules of life)
Other Podcasts featuring Seth:
On Being (tbc)
Reboot (the dip)
3 Books with Neil Pasricha (books & publishing)
Sounds Like a Movement (tension, it’s your turn)
Design Observer (politics & modern life)
Tropical MBA (business and life)
One Percent Better Podcast (doing better)
The Entrepreneurial You (ideas)
Don’t Keep Your Day Job (empathy)
The Daily Grind (tbc)
Spark My Muse (his journey)
In the Arena Podcast with Anthony Iannarino (customers and branding)
Rocketship.fm (his journey)
Building a StoryBrand (product and marketing)
Love Your Work (life stories and authors)
Relevant (changing the world)
Design Observer (politics)
Everyone Hates Marketers (marketing)
The Portfolio Life (writing)
Entreleadership (change)
Sophisticated Marketer (marketing & ideas)
Giant Robots (going mainstream)
Ctrl Alt Del with Emma Gannon (careers)
James Altucher (life)
Accidental Creative (projects & the dip)
Entrepreneur on Fire (life lessons)
The Art of Charm (the dip)
Building New Law (lawyers)
On Being (tbc)
Copyblogger FM (marketing)
Elin Barton (life purpose)
The Solution Podcast (altMBA)
Why I Write (writing)
Carnegie Hall (musicians)
Six Pixels Of Separation (icarus deception)
Rise to the Top (writing and publishing)
Marketing Over Coffee (icarus deception)
Adrian Swinscoe (failure)
Social Media Examiner (failing to start)
Duct Tape Marketing (holding yourself back)
Kindle Chronicles (icarus deception)
Visceral Business (great work)
Curious Minds (life projects)
Entreleadership (making change happen)
Unmistakable Creative (It’s your turn)
Amy Eisenstein (fundraising)
Promo Kitchen (It’s your turn)
Actionable Books (Tribes)
The Moment (expectations)
10,000 Hours (self awareness)
Brain Pickings (V is for Vulnerable)
The Traveling Cup (linchpin)
The Moment (mission)
Creative Mornings (do the work)
EcommerceBytes (be remarkable)
Church of the Customer (All Marketers are Liars)