What Seth Godin said about Body of Work...

Body of Work by Pamela Slim

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Author: Pamela Slim
Other books by Pamela Slim
ISBN: 1591846196
ASIN: 1591846196
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More books Seth recommended in 2016

In 2016, Seth recommended "Body of Work" by Pamela Slim and said...

A book I wish I'd read earlier in my career

(Source: Link)

Seth also recommended the book again in 2017 and said:

What would happen if the next all hands meeting got cancelled and instead the organization had an all hands-on read instead?

Here are more than twenty books you might want to read at work today. You and ten co-workers reading together... it might change everything

Source: Link

What others thought about "Body of Work"

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3.9 rating based on 875 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 1591846196
ISBN-13: 9781591846192
Goodreads: 18079773

Published: //

These days it’s increasingly rare to have a stable career in any field. More and more of us are blending big company jobs, startup gigs, freelance work, and volunteer side projects. We take chances to expand our knowledge, capabilities, and experience. But how do we make sense of that kind of career—and explain it?
Pamela Slim, the acclaimed author of Escape from Cubicle Nation, gives us the tools to have meaningful careers in this new world of work. She shows how to find the connections among diverse accomplishments, sell your story, and continually reinvent and relaunch your brand.

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