What Seth Godin said about Company...

Company by Max Barry

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Author: Max Barry
Other books by Max Barry
ISBN: 1400079373
ASIN: 1400079373
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Category: Fiction
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In 2013, Seth recommended "Company" by Max Barry and said...

More subtle, but still classic Barry.

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3.7 rating based on 6,552 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 1400079373
ISBN-13: 9781400079377
Goodreads: 38401

Published: //

Stephen Jones is a shiny new hire at Zephyr Holdings. From the outside, Zephyr is just another bland corporate monolith, but behind its glass doors business is far from usual: the beautiful receptionist is paid twice as much as anybody else to do nothing, the sales reps use self help books as manuals, no one has seen the CEO, no one knows exactly what they are selling, and missing donuts are the cause of office intrigue. While Jones originally wanted to climb the corporate ladder, he now finds himself descending deeper into the irrational rationality of company policy. What he finds is hilarious, shocking, and utterly telling.

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