What Seth Godin said about Jennifer Government...

Jennifer Government by Max Barry

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Author: Max Barry
Other books by Max Barry
ISBN: 1400030927
ASIN: 1400030927
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Category: Fiction
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In 2013, Seth recommended "Jennifer Government" by Max Barry and said...

What happens when Nike becomes a nation?

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3.7 rating based on 15,159 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 1400030927
ISBN-13: 9781400030927
Goodreads: 331669

Published: //

In Max Barry's twisted, hilarious and terrifying vision of the near future, the world is run by giant corporations and employees take the last names of the companies they work for. It's a globalised, ultra-capitalist free market paradise! Hack Nike is a lowly merchandising officer who's not very good at negotiating his salary. So when John Nike and John Nike, executives from the promised land of Marketing, offer him a contract, he signs without reading it. Unfortunately, Hack's new contract involves shooting teenagers to build up street cred for Nike's new line of $2,500 trainers. Hack goes to the police—but they assume that he's asking for a subcontracting deal and lease the assassination to the more experienced NRA. Enter Jennifer Government, a tough-talking agent with a barcode tattoo under her eye and a personal problem with John Nike (the boss of the other John Nike). And a gun. Hack is about to find out what it really means to mess with market forces.

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