What Seth Godin said about The Blue Sweater...

The Blue Sweater by Jacqueline Novogratz

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Author: Jacqueline Novogratz
Other books by Jacqueline Novogratz
ISBN: 1605294764
ASIN: 1605294764
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Category: Social
More books Seth recommended in 2010

In 2010, Seth recommended "The Blue Sweater" by Jacqueline Novogratz and said...

An important book at a crucial time. A book that will show you that the world is much smaller than it was, and it's getting smaller daily.

(Source: Link)

Seth also recommended the book again in 2011 and said:

Jacqueline Novogratz has written a modern classic, a book about connection, dignity and change. It's impossible to read this true story by someone who matters (and continues to matter more every day) without being moved to understand the world better--and hopefully to take action. A keeper.

Source: Link

Seth recommended the book again in 2013 and said:

An autobiography and a manifesto. Jacqueline's personal journey toward a world that embraces dignity above all.

Source: Link

Finally, Seth recommended the book again in 2017 and said:

Jacqueline Novogratz points out that the market can be an efficient listening device.

Source: Link

What others thought about "The Blue Sweater"

From GoodReads.com

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4.0 rating based on 6,944 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 1605294764
ISBN-13: 9781605294766
Goodreads: 7175891

Published: //


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