What Seth Godin said about Whiplash...

Whiplash by Joi Ito

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Author: Joi Ito
Other books by Joi Ito
ISBN: 1455544590
ASIN: 1455544590
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Category: Innovation
More books Seth recommended in 2016

In 2016, Seth recommended "Whiplash" by Joi Ito and said...

Joi's the head of MIT's Media Lab and an extraordinary thinker. Jeff brings the ideas and the lessons of the Lab to life. This is a big think, well worth a deep dive.

(Source: Link)

Seth also recommended the book again in 2017 and said:

What would happen if the next all hands meeting got cancelled and instead the organization had an all hands-on read instead?

Here are more than twenty books you might want to read at work today. You and ten co-workers reading together... it might change everything

Source: Link

What others thought about "Whiplash"

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3.8 rating based on 1,392 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 1455544590
ISBN-13: 9781455544592
Goodreads: 28450775

Published: //

Today, not only is everything digital getting faster, cheaper, and smaller at an exponential rate, we also have the Internet. When these two revolutions-one in technology and the other in communications-joined, an explosive force was unleaded that changed the very nature of innovation. And with any change, we have seen many strategic blunders and extraordinary learning curves along the way.
At last, in THE PRINCIPLES, Joey Ito and Jeff Howe have distilled nine organizing principles for navigating and surviving this tumultuous period. These principles give us a roadmap on how to thrive no matter what industry we're in.
With THE PRINCIPLES, two great thinkers tell us how to adapt and succeed in today's unpredictable marketplace.

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