What Seth Godin said about He’s Not Lazy...

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Author: Dr. Adam Price
Other books by Dr. Adam Price
ISBN: 1454916877
ASIN: 1454916877
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Category: Psychology
More books Seth recommended in 2017

In 2017, Seth recommended "He’s Not Lazy" by Dr. Adam Price and said...

He's Not Lazy is the kind of book that can dramatically transform a relationship for the better, changing lives for the long run. If you have teenagers, I hope you'll get a copy.

(Source: Link)

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What others thought about "He’s Not Lazy"

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4.2 rating based on 1,238 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 1454916877
ISBN-13: 9781454916871
Goodreads: 25986281

Published: //

“Clinical psychologist Price offers one of the most significant books of the year in this new look at an old problem—the underperforming teenage boy… Price’s book brings an important voice to a much needed conversation.” —Library Journal (Starred review)
On the surface, capable teenage boys may look lazy. But dig a little deeper, writes child psychologist Adam Price in He’s Not Lazy, and you’ll often find conflicted boys who want to do well in middle and high school but are afraid to fail, and so do not try. This book can help you become an ally with your son, as he discovers greater self-confidence and accepts responsibility for his future.

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