What Seth Godin said about Dunn’s Conundrum...

Dunn's Conundrum by Stan R. Lee

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Author: Stan R. Lee
Other books by Stan R. Lee
ISBN: 0446341339
ASIN: 0446341339
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Category: Fiction
More books Seth recommended in 2013

In 2013, Seth recommended "Dunn’s Conundrum" by Stan R. Lee and said...

By the late Stan Lee. Not that Stan Lee, the other one. If you want to understand how the NSA thing went down, read this fabulous and very very funny comic thriller written in 1984. Not an accident.

(Source: Link)

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What others thought about "Dunn’s Conundrum"

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3.7 rating based on 131 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 0446341339
ISBN-13: 9780446341332
Goodreads: 1795899

Published: 11//1985

It’s the mid-1980s and the cold war hasn’t thawed. The Library, a super-secret U.S. espionage agency is keeping an eye on the Russians and everybody else. A dozen elite intelligence experts relentlessly sift out classified information from everywhere. They know all the secrets except for one – which of the librarians is a traitor.

It’s up to Walt Coolidge, a librarian with a Sherlockian gift for analyzing people’s garbage, to uncover the mole and, if he fails, it could lead to nuclear Armageddon.

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