What Seth Godin said about Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better...

Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better by Pema Chšdršn

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Author: Pema Chšdršn
Other books by Pema Chšdršn
ISBN: 1622035313
ASIN: 1622035313
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Category: Spirituality
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In 2016, Seth recommended "Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better" by Pema Chšdršn and said...

A book I wish I'd read earlier in my career

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4.1 rating based on 2,686 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 1622035313
Goodreads: 25948761

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When her granddaughter was accepted to Naropa University, the celebrated author Pema Chödrön promised that she’d speak at the commencement ceremony. Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better contains the wisdom shared on that day.

“What do we do when life doesn’t go the way we hoped?” begins Pema “We say, ‘I’m a failure.” But what if failing wasn’t just “okay,” but the most direct way to becoming a more complete, loving, and fulfilled human being?

Through the insights of her own teachers and life journey, Pema Chödrön offers us her heartfelt advice on how to face the unknown—in ourselves and in the world—and how our missteps can open our eyes to see new possibilities and purpose. For Pema’s millions of readers, prospective graduates, or anyone at a life crossroads, this gem of clarity and reassurance is sure to find a welcome place in many a kitchen, office, and backpack.

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