What Seth Godin said about The Little Big Things...

The Little Big Things by Thomas J. Peters

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Author: Thomas J. Peters
Other books by Thomas J. Peters
ISBN: 0061894109
ASIN: 0061894109
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Category: Entrepreneurship
More books Seth recommended in 2010

In 2010, Seth recommended "The Little Big Things" by Thomas J. Peters and said...

And what a great title! Tom is a daily habit for me, and has been for twenty-five (gasp!) years. This is the guy who invented all of it. His latest is a whirlwind tour of some of his biggest and best.

(Source: Link)

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3.9 rating based on 1,254 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 0061894109
ISBN-13: 9780061894107
Goodreads: 12176192

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