What Seth Godin said about Meaningful...

Meaningful by Bernadette Jiwa

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Author: Bernadette Jiwa
Other books by Bernadette Jiwa
ISBN: 0994432801
ASIN: 0994432801
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Category: Entrepreneurship
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3.7 rating based on 906 ratings (all editions)

ISBN-10: 0994432801
ISBN-13: 9780994432803
Goodreads: 27260360

Published: //

Our new digital landscape has spawned an entrepreneurial culture and the belief that anyone with a laptop and an Internet connection has the power to change the world—to create an idea that flies. But for every groundbreaking business that started this way, a thousand others have stalled or failed. Why? What’s the secret to success? What do Khan Academy, the GoPro camera, the Dyson vacuum cleaner and Kickstarter have in common?

After years of consulting with hundreds of innovators, creatives, entrepreneurs and business leaders to help them tell the stories of their ideas, I have discovered something: every business that flies starts not with the best idea, the biggest budget or better marketing, but with the story of someone who wants to do something—and can’t.

We don’t change the world by starting with our brilliant ideas, our dreams; we change the world by helping others to live their dreams. The story of ideas that fly is the story of the people who embrace them, love them, adopt them, care about them and share them. Successful ideas are the ones that become meaningful to others—helping them to see what’s possible for them.

Our ideas fly when we show others their wings.

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